What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

advice, jesus christ, all things are possible with GodWhat happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?  It’s a question that philosophers have been asking for ages.  Which side you argue for has a lot to do with your worldview and your spiritual condition.  Let me explain what I mean.

Depending on our point of view there can be many so called immovable objects.  Things that just are and can’t be escaped, overcome or bypassed.  Have you ever thought to yourself or heard someone else say “that’s just how I am” or “that’s just the way it is” in a way that seems completely resigned to accept?  As in, change in this area is impossible so there’s no point in trying anymore.

Whether or not we acknowledge it (because it can be completely unconscious) we have all either been in this mindset or we are there right now.  Because let’s face it, human strength is weak and our knowledge and ability is very small compared to many of our problems.  And unless we are shown differently we will live our lives thinking that some areas and some things are completely off-limits to any kind of hope or improvement.  There lies our immovable object.  Tread if you dare (and most of us don’t dare).

Back to our original question.  What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?  Because in my experience there is an unstoppable force and His name is Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  When he comes to live in our hearts and we give him control of our lives then that which was previously impossible becomes possible.  He can change that which we had previously thought as unchangeable and the most amazing miracle of God is the changed and renewed human heart.

I can look back at my life and see how God overcame my anger, my frustration, my anxiety, my fear and most of all, my hopelessness.  Because I no longer believe in being hopeless.  How can I, who has been given every hope of every promise of God, go back to being the hopeless person I once was?  I can’t.  The unstoppable force that is my God obliterated that hopelessness and replaced it with peace and a calm mind.

That was one of my immovable objects but it was by no means the only one.  If time and space permitted I could tell you how God has worked and how he has overcome time after time after time for not just me but for many.  I would also tell you that the first and most important step to God working a miracle in your life is to give him your everything and surrender yourself to him.  Pour out your heart to him and don’t hold anything back and ask him to grant you hope and belief that he is able to do all things.

Open your copy of God’s word, the Bible, and ask God to help you see and understand his ways and his truth.  Make it a point to study God’s word and to grow in your understanding and as you are doing so seek out fellow believers and especially those who are stronger and more mature in their faith.  Let those people shepherd and guide you and learn from their faith experiences because we are meant to grow and flourish together as a body and to not separate ourselves from the family of God.

God’s house is meant to be a place of teaching, of instruction, of encouragement and of healing.  And if you are facing an immovable object in your life then I can think of no better place to be.  When you don’t know what to do, turn to the one who knows all things and can do anything.  There is no such thing as an immovable object in his sight.