And Then I Awoke

forgiveness, remembrance, correction, praiseI am continually amazed by how God works and how he chooses to reveal himself to us.  There have been many times in my life where I was in the middle of a problem and God chose to somehow, some way, step in and completely alleviate the situation.  At times, I know he has caused things to happen and that he dealt directly with my circumstances in order to make a way for me where there was no way before.  But, more often, he chose to reveal himself to me and in so doing, he changed me in the midst of my circumstances.

God’s problem solving is always miraculous to me, whether it is changing circumstances or changing the person that I am in order that I might be more like Jesus.  Both types of deliverance are worthy of remembrance and praise and one particular instance comes to mind that still brings me joy every time I think of it.

Life and work were especially busy at that time (when are they not?) and I was also recuperating from a cough and cold so I was not at my best.  I don’t know best how to describe what I was thinking and feeling except to say that I was just down.  I was in a bit of a funk and even though I acknowledged it I couldn’t really figure out why.

I couldn’t put my finger on any specific moment where I had gone wrong and all I could do was to continually take “me” to the Lord and just pour out my heart to him.  I asked God to examine me and show me if I had sinned or if I was just feeling down mentally and spiritually because I was physically tired and trying to get over an ailment.  All I could really say for sure was that something was not right and I knew that the best thing for me to do was just to trust God to work it out just as he had so many times before.

That night I dreamed.  I can’t say I remember exactly what the contents of the dream were but it was enough to make an impression on me and to wake me from my sleep.  And in those few moments between sleep and full wakefulness God revealed to me that I was disappointed in myself for a mistake I had made in the recent past and that I was mentally punishing myself for it even though he had already forgiven me.  There was no audible voice but the impression and clarity of the thought was so strong that I had no doubt that it was heaven sent.

Right then and there I asked God to forgive me for holding on to something that he had already forgiven and, at his prompting, I let myself be at rest in him.  It was the most wonderful, peaceful feeling and I woke up the next morning a new and different person from who I was the day before.  My mental outlook and attitude were instantly refreshed and I knew that God had, once again and because he loves me, chosen to step in and rescue me.

Nothing outwardly was different and my circumstances did not change.  But God’s touch through the teaching and correction of the Spirit made all of the difference to me and I thank God for the remembrance and that I am able to share it with others in this format.  One of the best things we can do for each other as believers is to tell each other of how God has worked in our lives and of the victories that he has won.  Let us, together, give God the glory he deserves and use those victories to encourage each other as we go.