How Wonderful, How Marvelous

1 Peter, faith, salvation, joyIt is my hope that the following is as uplifting and encouraging to you as it is to me.  No matter what we face or how dire our circumstances may seem these present times do not define us and they cannot defeat us.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead  1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)

Praise and thanksgiving to God is a natural result of realizing all that he has done for us.  Because he loves us he has mercifully granted us new a new birth into everlasting life and a present, living hope that does not fade.  That hope is so powerful and strong that no evil or darkness can ever snuff it out.  It is a hope based on the power and promise of God himself!

into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  1 Peter 1:4-5 (NIV)

We have not yet attained all that God has planned for us.  But we do have an inheritance that is waiting for us in heaven and it is an inheritance that is assured.  Our faith in God allows him to shield us with his power and to be completely safe in him until such time as our final salvation is revealed.

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  1 Peter 1:6-7 (NIV)

Our journey through this life is not easy.  We reside in the territory of our enemy and he is doing everything he can to shake us, disrupt us, discourage us and nullify our joy and our testimony.  Though we are saved and our souls are safe for eternity we must still face dangers and grief while we reside here.  But even these things have a reason and will be used to the ultimate glory of God as they prove and refine our faith in him.  Hold fast for the fruit that we produce here will bring great joy in eternity!

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.  1 Peter 1:8-9 (NIV)

Our salvation has a completion date and an endpoint.  But, it has already begun and is even now working in us.  And although we have not yet seen our savior face to face we love him and believe in him.  This faith allows God to channel blessings and joy into our lives and allows us to be conduits of his love and mercy to others.

Small Steps Big Rewards

Hebrews 11:6, diligence, faithWho likes rewards?  I know I do!  It’s satisfying to receive a reward, especially after having worked towards a goal or purpose and then accomplishing it.

The right reward can help us to stay motivated and to keep on working even over long and difficult periods where it seems like we are making little progress.  It is natural to want quick results but when we don’t see them it is tempting to get disheartened and to give up.  That is where the promises in God’s word can help us.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)

The book of Hebrews has a lot to say about faith.  And Hebrews 11:6 begins by letting us know that we must come to God in faith.  As we strive to do God’s work we must do it through our faith in Him and His power.  We can be sustained in our efforts only by placing our faith and trust in our Heavenly Father who is always there for us.

Notice also the last part of Hebrews 11:6.  Not only must we have faith to please God but we must also trust that God rewards those who diligently seek Him.  And what is diligence?

diligence: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken, careful and persistent work or effort, steadfast application

Diligence is not giving up.  Diligence is keeping on, little by little, day by day.  Diligence stays the course even when times are tough and nothing seems to be going right.

I find it encouraging that God will reward my consistent and persistent efforts.  Sometimes I feel like I might be close to the end of my rope physically and mentally and all I have left is my desire not to give up.  And instead of being discouraged by my weakness and lack God wants me to understand that he is sufficient at all times if I will just continue to rely on Him.

The Lord says to us “don’t give up, I have what you need.  Keep coming to me with your weakness and failings and I will be your strength and your success”.  He wants us to stick close to Him, even when we can’t understand what’s happening or where we might be going.

What He doesn’t want us to do is to give in to our discouragement.  It’s very tempting to run and hide or even to get mad at God and stop talking to Him when things aren’t going well.  But if we remain diligent then God tells us that we will be rewarded.

And what are the rewards that God offers us?  Ultimately, being with him in a place called heaven, which will be beyond anything that we can imagine.  But here on this earth He offers us peace in the midst of trials, grace that is greater than any of our failings and His steadfast love that is strong enough to see us through.  God’s presence is real and powerful and true fellowship with Him is one of the sweetest things that we can experience in this life.  All of this He offers to us.

Will we remain diligent and faithful and experience all that God has for us?  I pray that we would.

How God Feels

obedience, blessings, Jeremiah 12:6-7As I continue my read through the Bible this year I came upon a group of verses in Jeremiah that struck me particularly hard.  Jeremiah, called the “weeping prophet”, wrote and prophesied of the coming fall of Jerusalem and the nation of Israel.  Throughout the book of Jeremiah God lays out his case against his wayward people and explains in great detail what the consequences of that rebellion are but also how he (God) feels about it.

Your relatives, members of your own family— even they have betrayed you;
    they have raised a loud cry against you.
Do not trust them, though they speak well of you.  

“I will forsake my house, abandon my inheritance; I will give the one I love into the hands of her enemies.”  Jeremiah 12:6-7 (NIV)

Verse 6 speaks of relatives and family members who have taken part in betrayal and verse 7 tells us that God has decided to forsake his house (his residence in Jerusalem being the temple but also his presence with his people) abandon his inheritance (giving up on these people ever being what he wanted them to be – his righteous children and a light to all men) and, perhaps saddest of all, giving the one he loves (some translations say “the love of my life”) into the hands of her enemies.

Imagine for a moment if our own families betrayed us.  What would we feel if those that we loved and trusted the most in this world turned against us and what we thought was our home and our place of rest became tainted and terrible to us as a result?  What if my spouse, the person I love the most in this world, was involved in something so bad and so heinous that I had no choice but to allow the consequences of those actions despite the pain and suffering it would cause us both?

It’s not something I or any of us would like to think on but it is exactly what God was facing as he spoke to Jeremiah about what was soon to happen.  And it is exactly how he feels when we turn away and rebel against him despite the fact that we once professed to love him and be his.

Sin is always serious and God is always a righteous judge but there is a difference between a lost person acting like a lost person (because it is the only nature that they have) and a saved person (who has the holy spirit living in him and is a new creation) deciding to act and look like a lost person.  One acts that way because they have no choice while the other most certainly has a choice and is simply choosing not to walk in the spirit but to remain in the flesh.

I believe, based on what I have read and studied, that this breaks God’s heart.  I also believe that this is one of the reasons why God gave us feelings; so that we could relate to him on an emotional level, so that we could feel his joy and his peace but also so that we could know and understand the sadness that sin brings and what it means to be separated from him.

God does everything he can to warn us of the dangers of sin and to equip us to be able to overcome temptation.  He promises that if we will hide his word in our hearts then we will not sin against him and we will lives full of blessing and purpose.  Those that do so are the apple of his eye and bring great joy to him.  This is the kind of existence that he wants for all of us and the kind of lives that we should be striving to lead.





Why Taking Care Of God’s Business Is Good For Us

Matthew 6:33, Kingdom of God, SpiritPutting the Lord’s business in front of our own is a real challenge.  We live in a fallen world and we are fallen creatures of flesh.  Our physical senses limit us to perceiving only temporary things and the completely natural thing to do is to react to the circumstances and environment around us and try to take care of our needs first and foremost.

But this is not God’s way.  If we profess to be His children then He asks us to seek to do His work first.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

Because God is good, His instruction also comes with a promise.  If we seek His kingdom and His righteousness first then everything else that we need will be provided for us.  In other words, our God will never leave us stranded or without help.  As we work for Him and carry out His business He will be working right alongside us for our benefit and His glory.  This is a great blessing in and of itself.

But there’s more!

What God has been teaching me lately is that if I will put Him first and do the work that He has asked me to do then while I am doing it, I won’t fall into sin and temptation and am much less prone to human error.   Put another way, doing God’s will is the perfect defense against sinning against Him.  It sounds obvious when you really think about it but is still an amazing truth to discover.

When I am doing my own thing and not being especially attentive to the Lord I make a lot of mistakes and tend to exercise poor judgement.  When I am listening for the Lord and putting His work first then I perform at a level that is higher than “me”.  And that is completely awesome to the point that afterwards I will sometimes look around and go “what just happened?  Did I do that?”

And the answer is no, God did it.  I was just the man who was willing and ready to be used.

God will do the same for you also.  If you are willing to believe on Him, walk with Him in Spirit and truth and then put His kingdom and His righteousness first God will perform miracles through you.  You will do things that will leave you joyful and amazed as His Spirit flows through you.  And through it all, God will be glorified and you will see just how good our God can be.

He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:38)

The Hope We Know

faith, hope, Hebrews 11What hope have we?  What is it that lies at the very core of our being that allows us to continue on, day after day, believing in the promises of God and the future completion of our salvation? How can we be sure of our final destination and the eventual perfection of God’s work in us?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see  Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

God’s word continually amazes me and Hebrews 11 is, to me, one of the most encouraging and amazing chapters in the Bible.  It has been called the faith “Hall of Fame” as in it we are given the names and deeds of many ordinary men and women who exercised their faith in God and were richly blessed unto salvation because of it.

If you are facing strong difficulties in your life and if you doubt that things will ever get better than I encourage you to spend some time with Hebrews 11.  It is such an inspirational look at what God can do in the lives of people who are willing to step out and believe in the power and promises of God.  But what really caught me eye as I studied Hebrews 11 again was the strong theme of hope that is carried throughout.

Notice verse 1 above.  Faith is confidence in what we hope for.  Our hope flourishes and thrives because of the confidence given through our faith.  And our faith is given to us as a gift from God but must be exercised and worked at by us.  There’s a transaction that takes place with God as the starting point and God’s promises and blessings as the outcome.  And in between lies us and our decision to believe and to act or not.

Has our hope dimmed?  Is it barely visible and flickering in the darkness of our circumstances?  Then I would ask how much we have invested in increasing and exercising our faith.  A faith strengthened leads to a hope that is lively.  The hope we know is directly proportional to the faith we build.

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. 10 For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.  Hebrews 11:8-10 (NIV)

In these three verses we see a similarity between Abraham’s story and what he was called to do and the story of every person who has ever lived.  Our true home lies with God in paradise.  This world is like a foreign country to us and yet we are still called by faith to go and to do the work that God has given us.  And our eternal souls and spirits, for a time, must live in these imperfect and quickly failing tents of flesh.  But we do so with other heirs of the same promise, our brothers and sisters in the family of God.  And we do it because we love the Lord and because we are looking forward to that heavenly city of perfection, the one that Jesus is preparing for us.

My hope to see that place and my savior is strong.  I am well assured that what God has promised he is working on even now, unto completion.  How fares your hope?  What is it that you are looking forward to?  And are you looking with eyes of faith or of flesh?

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

advice, jesus christ, all things are possible with GodWhat happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?  It’s a question that philosophers have been asking for ages.  Which side you argue for has a lot to do with your worldview and your spiritual condition.  Let me explain what I mean.

Depending on our point of view there can be many so called immovable objects.  Things that just are and can’t be escaped, overcome or bypassed.  Have you ever thought to yourself or heard someone else say “that’s just how I am” or “that’s just the way it is” in a way that seems completely resigned to accept?  As in, change in this area is impossible so there’s no point in trying anymore.

Whether or not we acknowledge it (because it can be completely unconscious) we have all either been in this mindset or we are there right now.  Because let’s face it, human strength is weak and our knowledge and ability is very small compared to many of our problems.  And unless we are shown differently we will live our lives thinking that some areas and some things are completely off-limits to any kind of hope or improvement.  There lies our immovable object.  Tread if you dare (and most of us don’t dare).

Back to our original question.  What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?  Because in my experience there is an unstoppable force and His name is Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  When he comes to live in our hearts and we give him control of our lives then that which was previously impossible becomes possible.  He can change that which we had previously thought as unchangeable and the most amazing miracle of God is the changed and renewed human heart.

I can look back at my life and see how God overcame my anger, my frustration, my anxiety, my fear and most of all, my hopelessness.  Because I no longer believe in being hopeless.  How can I, who has been given every hope of every promise of God, go back to being the hopeless person I once was?  I can’t.  The unstoppable force that is my God obliterated that hopelessness and replaced it with peace and a calm mind.

That was one of my immovable objects but it was by no means the only one.  If time and space permitted I could tell you how God has worked and how he has overcome time after time after time for not just me but for many.  I would also tell you that the first and most important step to God working a miracle in your life is to give him your everything and surrender yourself to him.  Pour out your heart to him and don’t hold anything back and ask him to grant you hope and belief that he is able to do all things.

Open your copy of God’s word, the Bible, and ask God to help you see and understand his ways and his truth.  Make it a point to study God’s word and to grow in your understanding and as you are doing so seek out fellow believers and especially those who are stronger and more mature in their faith.  Let those people shepherd and guide you and learn from their faith experiences because we are meant to grow and flourish together as a body and to not separate ourselves from the family of God.

God’s house is meant to be a place of teaching, of instruction, of encouragement and of healing.  And if you are facing an immovable object in your life then I can think of no better place to be.  When you don’t know what to do, turn to the one who knows all things and can do anything.  There is no such thing as an immovable object in his sight.

The Power of a Simple Gift – Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child, shoeboxes

Vicki is hard at work on shoebox gifts.

Operation Christmas Child is an endeavor that is near and dear to my heart.  Not only do I sincerely believe in the power of one simple gift, it also happens to be one of  my wife’s most favorite things.  Anything that brings her that much joy and happens to be an amazing tool for ministry deserves all of the support that I can give it.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about then I invite you to read the  following excerpt from Operation Christmas Child: A Story of Simple Gifts.

A Story from Operation Christmas Child

Not sure that your one shoebox will make a difference?  Read an actual account from Bosnia in 1993 (one of the first shoebox distributions).

 If any American city had experienced a December snowfall of five feet, no school would have been open.  But on that frosty morning in Bosnia, Lejla’s mother woke her, dressed her, and put an old pair of shoes on her feet.  The toes of the shoes were ripped open.  Her father had tried to close them up with steel wire but the leather was so rotten it wouldn’t hold together.  Lejla’s mother wrapped her feet in bags and sent her out into the arctic chill that defined Balkan winters.

A bulldozer had come through early that morning and cleared a narrow path in the road that remained slippery and messy.  Lejla may have been walking toward the school five miles away, but she had no intention of showing up there.  If ever an adolescent was on the brink of giving up, it was Lejla.  To prove it, she purposely detoured into a landmine field where just the day before her best friend had been killed and another friend had lost his leg in an explosion.  Maybe if she walked through the same field she could end her miserable life.  She had no reason to live.  With no coat to keep her warm, maybe she would even die from the frigid temperatures, she thought.  She was tired of being cold, weary of hunger pains, and afraid of the future.

After fourty-five minutes of wandering through the landmine field with no answers and no explosions, Lejla looked into the sky and cried, “God, I hate you for hating me so much and wanting me to suffer like this.  If you think I’m going to live like this, I’ll show you.”  Then she headed toward Sniper Alley with the certainty it promised; a one hundred percent guarantee of being shot to death.  She slipped under the barricade and wrenched her neck up toward the mountain, waiting for the powerful boom to end her misery.  It didn’t happen.

I found myself walking toward the school, disappointed I had survived Sniper Alley.  As I approached, I saw some kids holding boxes and I wondered where they had gotten them.  We had nothing new; even primitive items were scarce.  As I got close, I noticed how bright and beautiful the boxes were.  One of the boys said, “There are people inside giving these away.  You can get one too.”

Why do I need a box? Lejla thought.  I don’t have anything to put in it.  It’s pretty, but it won’t do me any good.  When I walked inside, I saw an older gentleman sitting on the steps.  He jumped up and grabbed a box from the top of the pile and headed toward me.  But I didn’t want any interaction.  I wanted to be left alone.  I was bitter and hateful.  To make matters worse, the man had a big smile on his face and gently said, “I want you to have this.”  I took it so he would go away quickly, but to my surprise the box was not empty.  The heaviness caused my hands to give way slightly.  I took hold, turned and ran as fast as I could until I found a solitary corner and slumped to the floor, cradling the box in my lap.  My heart was racing and my emotions were fragile.  Do I dare hope for what might be inside?  After all, this is a shoebox.  I looked down at my frozen feet, and then with great apprehension, lifted the lid.  Inside was a pair of brand new sneakers.

For some time I sat and cried while lifting the lid and closing it.  The crying had left me weak and quivering.  I felt sick, then happy.  As I drew the sneakers out of the box, my hands bumped into other things.  The shoes that fit perfectly were enough, but more?

I pulled out a twelve pack of pencils.  My entire class of fifty-eight students had been sharing a nub of one pencil all year long, and now I had my very own!  A notebook was there to replace the one I had used for three years, with hardly scribble space left.  Then I discovered erasers that smelled like strawberries – the first smell of anything pleasant that I could remember.  When I clasped a tube of toothpaste, I opened and tasted it.  The flavor was so delicious that I nearly ate it all.  Energized by the thrill, I gathered my new belongings and got home as fast as I could, hoping that none of the kids would steal my box from me on the way.

My mother was stunned when I came through the door and inquired where I had gotten all of my treasures.  “A man gave them to me and said the box was from Jesus.”  I assumed there was someone in America by that name.  That night, I pulled out my new pencil and notebook and wrote a letter to Jesus, telling Him things I had never told anyone.

At school the next day, I found the man who had given me the box and asked him if he would take the letter to America and give it to Jesus.  He explained that Jesus was God’s Son and that He came to pay the penalty for man’s sin.  He told me that Jesus is the One who died for our sins and that if I confessed my sin to Him, Jesus would forgive me and love me as His very own.  The man spoke truth to me and I had no reason to doubt him, for I already knew that He had heard and answered my prayer.  He was real and I knew He had mercy. 

In Jesus’ wonderful way, He reached down from Heaven into a little girl’s frightened heart and saved me, and He used a shoebox to do this miracle in my life.  Today, I may not have the physical possessions that filled my shoebox that day, but I have the most valuable and lasting possession – eternal salvation and assurance that my soul belongs to Him.

To make it sweeter, He allowed me to come to America and personally say “hvala” (thank you) to all those Christians who make the shoebox ministry possible.  I have my own family now and we are privileged to pack fifteen hundred shoeboxes each year.  If only one person finds salvation through these boxes, my life will have been worthwhile.  I am among the one hundred million souls that have been touched by Operation Christmas Child, and changed by the Jesus of Heaven and Earth who reached out to me.

Choose to Get Involved

The power of one simple gift in the form of a shoebox full of goodies is this: it beautifully and simply illustrates a gift given out of love with no expectation of anything in return to someone who has most likely never received a gift before.  In other words, it shows by example just what Christ did for us and opens a door in a child’s heart to receive His love.  This is the message and the ministry of Operation Christmas Child.

If you’d like to participate there’s still time.  Shoebox collection week is November 12th through November 19th and there are drop-off locations nationwide.  Packing a shoebox is easy!  Don’t have time to pack a shoebox?  Each shoebox costs $9 to ship and that is a very inexpensive and easy donation that would sponsor a gift that could save the soul of a child.  Or, you can build your box online through the Operation Christmas Child website.  And please don’t forget to pray that each box is guided by the Holy Spirit to the child who needs it most!

However you do it, choose to get involved.  On that glorious day when you are walking down the streets of paradise you could be approached by another child of God who says to you “Thank you for your gift.  I am here because you chose to give”.  That is indeed the power of one simple gift.

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Proverbs 27:17, knowledge, wisdomAs iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another – Proverbs 27:17.  We all need to be sharpened and we all need to grow in our faith and knowledge of the Lord.  In doing some research for my writing I came across several excellent articles that really sharpened and helped me immensely and I want to share a few of them with you.  But before I do so, let me say this:

Although I fall short in many areas God has richly blessed me with an intense curiosity and a strong desire to learn.  If I want to know something or solve a problem or if I am having difficulty in a certain area of my life then I will always try to figure out what the problem is and how to solve it.  Most of the success that I have had in my life is due to my seeking out those who are wiser and more successful than I and modeling their behavior.  This is good advice no matter who or where you are.  If you want to be a smarter, wiser and sharper person, find the sharpest and most successful folks you can (and the internet is a fantastic resource for doing this) and learn to think and act like them.

(For two great Biblical examples of this, see the writings of King David in Psalms and the writings of Paul in the New Testament).

Now to the articles!

On the topic of Christian liberty and with an excerpt that should really get you thinking:

What does it mean to walk in the Spirit?  Walk is the idea of daily conduct, daily conduct, routine life pattern.  And how do you walk in the Spirit?  Very simply, where does the Spirit reveal His will?  Where does the Spirit give us His direction?  In the Word of God, right?  I don’t think walking in the Spirit is mystical or ethereal, I don’t think it’s some kind of heavenly thing, I don’t think it’s some kind of ecstatic emotional experience. Walking in the Spirit is very simple, it is walking in obedience to the mind and will of the Spirit of God.  And that means to be saturated with the Word of God so that the Word of Christ dwells in you richly and that then, that word then becomes the control factor used by the Spirit of God to lead you into obedience.  It isn’t enough to become a Christian and then stand around in a vacuum of knowledge without any information out of the Word of God and hope everything turns out right.  We have to be saturated in the Word of God on a day-by-day basis so that the Word of God implanted in the mind and the heart becomes the control vehicle by which the Spirit of God leads us as we live day by day.  And when we’re filled with the Word of God, controlled by the Spirit of God, walk in obedience to that revealed will of God, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, but we will fulfill the law by loving each other.

The whole sermon is quite a read but is well worth your time and effort!


And on the Christian perspective of boredom (do you get bored?  I do, and from what I read here I need to be very careful about that!)

“What immediately leaps to our mind when we see the word holiness?” asks Dane. “Austerity. Coldness. Grim-faced. Jaw-set. In one of his early sermons Edwards says, ‘Holiness is a most beautiful, lovely thing. Men are apt to drink in strange notions of holiness from their childhood as if it were a melancholy, morose, sour thing.’ But Edwards says there is nothing in holiness but what is sweet and ravishingly lovely. Sin is mire and filth. Holiness is sweet, lovely, delightful, serene, calm. That corrects me. Holiness is calming. It is the only route by which I can actually enjoy my life, because I am not delighting in the world’s fraudulent offers of happiness. Holiness is quietly thrilling. Where else would you want to live but in the brightness of holiness?”

How does not being bored fit in with holiness?  Well, you’ll just have to read the article to find out!

And finally, still one more fantastic resource on the Christian perspective of boredom.  This one really convicted me!

This week I was asked if boredom is a sin. Good question. After contemplating the matter, I think the answer is that sin and boredom go together, but I would rather say that boredom is a disease of the soul. It is a warning sign from God that there is a “dis-ease” in your heart that must be faced. Boredom is a sign that your life is moving in the wrong direction.

How can we overcome boredom? It requires a reorientation of the way we approach each day. I’d like to combine two very familiar verses—Ecclesiastes 9:10 and Colossians 3:17—in order to find a biblical answer to boredom.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might  Ecclesiastes 9:10a (NASB)

Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.  Colossians 3:17 (NASB)

Using the above resources God really opened my eyes about some things in my life.  You may not need the specific lessons that these articles are trying to teach but I would still encourage you to be a knowledge seeker and a wisdom searcher in all that you do.  God has provided everything that we need to be strong and complete in Him but it is up to us to learn and apply those resources.  No matter what you are working on or where you happen to be in your search, my prayer is that God would richly bless your efforts as you go.


In The Right Place At The Right Time

Proverbs 16:9, Esther 4:14, God's planAre we truly thankful to be where we are, wherever that might be, right this moment?  Do we have an awareness of the fact that the Lord has guided our steps to this time and this place for a specific and special purpose?  I don’t know about you but I admit that I often lose sight of that fact and instead of walking in expectation and excitement of what God has planned for me I find myself just trying to muddle through and arrive at the end of the day in one piece.

Two different verses come to mind here, both of which I read on the same day as part of larger passages of scripture study.  The first is found in Proverbs and says:

A man’s heart plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps
Proverbs 16:9 (NKJV)

To me, this is very comforting and I can look back on times when I wasn’t where I needed to be in my walk with the Lord and still see how he guided my steps and brought me to the place where I am now.  In other words, his love and divine plan for me were (and are) stronger than my rebellion and even in my darkest times God still had a plan to show me his redemptive power once I yielded myself to him and asked for his help and forgiveness.

God’s grace is at work for us even when we aren’t working for him and a life that is abundant and full is available to us if we are willing to put him first.  God has the unique and remarkable ability to change our circumstances (and our hearts!) in a moment and what we perceive to be an impassable obstacle is just a speck of dust easily blown away in his sight.

The question then becomes, if God can change our circumstances in a moment why then does he allow us to go through such trials and difficulties and why does he sometimes leave us in turmoil for extended periods of time?  For one answer to that, let’s look at our second verse for today:

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:14 (NIV)

Esther was a simple Jewish girl who would have been an orphan except for the kindness and care of her older cousin Mordecai.  They lived in Persia along with many other Jews at the time who were undergoing 70 years of exile as punishment for the sins of the nation of Israel.  As a displaced ethnic minority and a girl with no parents Esther was by no means in an advantageous situation.

However God had blessed her with a beautiful appearance and she was soon taken into the King’s harem where she eventually impressed him so much that she became the Queen.  During this time a plan was put into place to execute the Jews by an evil man who was close to the King and our verse of scripture is timed right after Mordecai and Esther learn of this plan being put into motion.  Mordecai writes to Esther to appeal to the King and his appeal is based on his knowledge of God’s providential hand and a strong faith in God’s ability to deliver his people despite their circumstances.  In other words Mordecai had every faith that God had placed Esther in her position as Queen to serve as an intermediary for her people and to save them from impending destruction.

If you know the story of Esther then you know that she was able to win the King’s favor despite the risk of her own life in appearing before the King without being summoned and that her courage and honesty were instrumental in the salvation of the Jews during this period of history.

Just as God used Esther, despite her situation and her circumstances, so too can he use us.  Just as Esther was placed in her situation in a time of great crisis sometimes God wants to use us during times of danger and hardship.  What we can’t forget is that the battle belongs to the Lord and if we are yielded to him then he can do amazing things through our willingness and availability.


The Encouragement to Continue

hope, encouragement, 2 Timothy 4:1-2. patience, persistenceWhoever you are, wherever you are, you have a job to do in the Kingdom of God.  As God’s chosen and beloved child you are blessed with talents, abilities, affinities and opportunities to minister and to serve in a way that is as unique as you are.  No matter your situation or location God has a special task for you that will require you to be completely dependent on him to accomplish but will bless and complete you in a way that nothing else can.

Some of us are still in the beginning stages of our calling while others have been working and serving for many years now.  Whether young or old, new believer or seasoned saint we have the responsibility to work and to serve as God directs and to be diligent in our appointed tasks.

Hopefully we can feel energized and excited about our work but realistically we will experience struggles, hardships and even discouragement at some points along the way.  We have an enemy who is tirelessly working to accuse, disrupt and discourage our efforts but, according to God’s word, if we are patient and persistent then we will be granted the strength and the resources to overcome all obstacles.

I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and because of His appearing and His kingdom: Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching.   2 Timothy 4:1-2 (HCSB)

Paul’s encouragement to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4 is incredibly beneficial during times of struggle and hardship.  Paul’s charge to Timothy is a charge to us as well and we can apply the same words and principles to our own situations just as I am sure Timothy did when he first read Paul’s letter so many years ago.  Just as we should, Paul wanted Timothy to know why he was working (because of Jesus Christ appearing and his kingdom) and why it was so important that he continue what he had started (judgement is sure and is coming).

From Paul’s words we can see his experience and his wisdom in being a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  He knew it wasn’t always convenient (often it is not) or easy and, more often than not, takes great patience.  What we want to rush through or avoid altogether God often has us face head-on and struggle against for a period of time.  We might not understand why but still God asks us to persist and to be patient within our circumstances because he is working all things out for the good for those who love him and are called to serve.

What we must not do is stop or give up.  Souls hang in the balance and God has been too good to us and too faithful for us to give up on him.  He always has what we need and all that is required of us is that we stay dependent and connected to him in prayer and thanksgiving.

Whatever you are facing today does not compare with God’s resources and awesome power to overcome.  Stay vigilant and focused as God works out his perfect plan for you and remember that your reward is coming and great will be the day of his returning.