How great is our God? It’s a question that I freely admit I do not have the capacity to answer. Even so, to ponder such a question can open our hearts and minds to God’s will for our lives and lead us to a better understanding of His character.
I also find it to be an exciting question. As one of the redeemed I belong to Him and my desire is to get to know Him better and to find out more about Him. I want to know about His works and His ways and I want to be able to more fully perceive Him in my daily life. By pondering His greatness I am increasing my focus on Him and using more of my imagination and intellect (of which He is the author and giver) in His direction.
And here is a very great truth about anything that we spend for God. Be it time, talents, energy, resources or whatever it might be; whatever we spend for God He gives us back to overflowing, far above what we could ever ask or imagine.
How great is our God? So great He spoke all of creation into existence with just the power of His words. So great that He who is the Word, Jesus Christ, became flesh and dwelt among us and in doing so broke the power of Sin and death so that we might be made free and alive to God. So great that even now He is preparing a perfect place for us to live with Him one day even as He provides power and strength for each present moment.
How great is our God? So great that I can only begin to describe it. So great that I look forward to spending all of eternity with anyone who might ever read this in finding out the answer to that question. Will you be there with me? Have you begun to answer that question in your own life? Are you, even now, starting to discover just how great is our God?
My prayer is that the answers to all of those question is “yes”. Because if you can’t answer “yes” to all of those questions then you need to stop, right now, and ask God to forgive you of all of your wrongs and for Jesus to come into your heart and be your Savior and best friend. That way, you too can begin to answer the question “How great is our God?”