I am overwhelmed by the grace of God. I am astonished that God would come down to earth in the form of a man for the purpose of rescuing and redeeming His creation. I do not understand this but I do accept it and I rejoice in it.
The fact of the matter is I don’t deserve God’s grace and neither do you. No one who has ever lived or walked on the face of this earth is perfect and without sin except one man, Jesus Christ who was and is God in the flesh. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin and it is through His sacrifice that we can be made right with God. God’s grace provided the sacrifice for us but that is not end of it, not even close.
You see the most amazing thing to me about God’s grace is not that He still loved us and desired to save us even in our sin and disobedience. And truly, that would have been enough. But no, the most amazing thing to me is that He grants us His spirit and His nature at the time of salvation so that we become something entirely new.
The born again believer is a changed individual. God sees fit not only to give us a home in heaven with him (someday) but to remake us from the inside out with the very nature and the very spirit of the living God within us. With this we are free from the power of sin and death and are able to commune with God, as He always intended, for the very first time.
Because of this incredible gift not only do I have a friend in Jesus, I can be a friend to Jesus! We can walk together and talk together because my spiritual eyes have been opened and my heart is able to perceive that which it never could before. Peace with God brings overwhelming peace and joy in my heart and I am free to share that joy with others around me and to meet their needs with God’s strength and compassion.
That is what God’s amazing grace can do and it is in that grace that we can stand and in that grace that we can hold fast. He has promised to never leave or forsake us and all that He asks of us is to love Him and trust Him above all others.