If there’s one thing that I could use a lot more of, it’s time. If I had more time I could write more blog posts about God and the amazing things that He does. If I had more time I could get involved in an array of worthwhile causes and charities. If I had more time I could spend it with my parents, family and friends that I love as often as I wanted. More time seems to be the easy answer to much of what I view as an obstacle to God’s glory.
Of course with my very limited view and finite mind, what appears to be an obstruction to me is nothing of the sort to our Heavenly Father. He’s working and He desires to use me in His work if I will just remain humble and obedient. Can I walk day by day, in faith and at peace with God and man?
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8 NASB)
With that in mind, perhaps what I need is not more time at all. What I really need and what God really wants me to learn from all of this is just to trust him.
My perspective needs to be a Godly one. Instead of wishing for more time I should be praying for more faith, more hope and more love. And what are the tools that God uses to grow my faith? Often times they are trials, tribulations and obstacles. The very things that I say I need more time to overcome and get around are the very things that God can use to bring me closer to Him.
Is my desire to really know Him better and to see Him more clearly or is it merely to be comfortable and blessed? Honestly? I think it’s more the latter than the former, and that’s a problem. Knowing God brings blessings and God loves giving His children good gifts. But if my desire is the gift and the blessing more so than the Giver then I need to check my priorities.
I must recommit to walking by faith, day by day. I must have wisdom enough to realize that God has granted me the strength I need to make it through each day and to accomplish the work that He has given me to do. And I must not worry and fret about the trials and obstacles in my life. God is bigger than they are and perhaps through them, He is trying to teach me to rely on Him even more.
AMEN. I remember reading these song lyrics from Andrae Crouch and reflecting on it. It is a complete different context to walk and live in faith by them.
“You may ask me why I serve the Lord,
Is it just for heaven’s gain.
Or to walk those mighty streets of gold,
And to hear the angels sing.
Is it just to drink from the fountain,
That never shall run dry.
Or just to live forever, ever, and ever,
In that sweet, sweet bye and bye.
But if heaven never was promised to me,
Neither God’s promise to live eternally.
It’s been worth just having the Lord in my life.
Living in a world of darkness,
You came along and brought me the light.”
Grace and peace,
Thank you, Jeff! What an amazing song!
Ah, such a tough lesson to learn.
God is always refining us by fire, and some times that means we have to lay aside our agenda and say “Your will Father, and not my own.” SO HARD! Praying for you today, dear brother. Press on and do not grow weary, for there is ALWAYS times to press into Jesus and gain some strength for the day. 
Amen, Jenn and thank you for the encouragement.