When Men Ate The Food of Angels

providence, blessings, romans 8:28Psalm 78:25 delights me.  It says “Men ate the bread of Angels”.  Think about that for a moment and what that must have been like.

Psalm chapter 78 is a call for Israel to remember all that God has done for them.  When they wandered in the wilderness after the exodus and were hungry, God fed them.  Verse 25 speaks to that act and does so in a rather extraordinary fashion.

The fact that God fed his hungry children is not surprising.  We know it is in God’s nature to be good and to provide for the needs of his own.  What is surprising to me is how he fed them.  He gave them manna from heaven (the aforementioned angels food) and then, as if that wasn’t enough, caused a great wind to blow quail into the camp which then rained down from the skies right to their feet.

Talk about a spectacle!  Our God is never boring.  He is patient, long-suffering and unchanging and in our finite, temporary minds we sometimes make the mistake of thinking that God can be boring because we just can’t see the big picture.  The way God met the needs of the His people wandering in the wilderness was creative, miraculous and unmistakably Him.  No one could look back at that and guess that anyone or anything else could be responsible for the way that it turned out.

Has there ever been a circumstance or situation in your life where you know that God intervened and provided for you and there is no doubt that it could have been anyone or anything else?  I hope you can answer that question with a resounding “Yes!”.  I know that I can, and I praise the Lord for the way that he cares for me.

If you can’t think of an instance, just wait, your moment will come.  The fact of the matter is that God is busy working on our behalf all the time.  As the saved by grace children of God, Romans 8:28 assures me that this is so.  It says  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Not only is God working for us, He is working for us in all things!  That astounds me and comforts me, and I hope it does the same for you.

You and I may never taste the food of angels (at least in this life) but God’s desire to provide and care for His children in spectacular and creative ways is no different today than it was all those years ago.  Even in circumstances and trials that seem dire, God is still working and still ordering all things towards His purpose and His plan.  If you are in a situation where you are having trouble believing that God is working for you and you just can’t see any good at all, ask Him to reveal His presence to you.  Allow the Holy Spirit to minister to your need and to speak directly to your heart and you will see just how much he loves and cares for you.


  1. Hi Matt thanks for the info. I am mulling over a sermon called “Bread in the Wilderness” based om mark 8:1-10 (key verse 4) – Psalm 78:25 along with your thought should provide good support.

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