Be The Grape And Not The Raisin

gratitude, complaining, Christian walk, Philippians 2Let me first say that I don’t have anything personal against raisins.  In fact, I think they are delicious and I especially like them decorating the top of a rice cake coated with natural peanut butter.  The raisin, as a food item, serves a yummy purpose and in that respect I am pro-raisin.

However, in the realm of the spiritual, it is a different story.  While grapes are fresh and juicy raisins are shriveled and quite dry in comparison.  (I found one source that stated a grape looses at least 85% of its water content in the process of becoming a raisin.)  Spiritually speaking, would you rather be fresh in your love for God and man and full of the (living) water or would you rather be shriveled and sunken in on yourself and in need of hydration by the Spirit?  I know which one I would choose!

 Do all things without complaining and disputing,  that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world  (Philippians 2: 14-15) NKJV

One of the first signs that we might be drying out, spiritually speaking, is when complaints and disputes begin to emerge from our mouths and in our hearts.  Over and over in God’s word we are told to be thankful in all things and not to complain or worry about anything.  For the natural man, this is 100% impossible but for the one who is staying connected to the Spirit for regeneration and renewal it is an obtainable goal.

Notice the order of verses 14 and 15 above.  If we can first put aside our complaining and disputing (because we have given our wills to God and surrendered ourselves to Him) then and only then can we become blameless and be the type of Christian that shines as a light in the world.  By extension, wouldn’t you say that allowing ourselves to be caught up in an attitude of complaint and dispute would be incredibly damaging to our testimony and to God’s work in our lives?

Regrettably, some of the most notable and vocal “complainers” that I know call themselves Christians.  And before I point the finger, sometimes that vocal complainer is me!  For all that Jesus has done for me and for all that He will do for me in ages to come, do I really have the right to complain about my present circumstances?  And for that matter, can I really afford to waste the time and energy that God has given me on grumbling about this or that?  Greatly humbled by this examination I know that I cannot.

 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) NKJV

The solution to the problem and the difference between a spiritual grape and a spiritual raisin is found in verse 5 of Philippians Chapter 2.  “Let this mind be in you…” indicates a mindset.  The mindset of Christ Jesus was that of a servant who put God’s work on earth and the pursuit of righteousness above all else.  Once we decide to take that mindset then God can begin to use us just like He used Jesus and we will live lives of passion and purpose for the glory of God.

My Problem with Philippians 2:14

Philippians 2:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:18“Do all things without grumbling or disputing” (Philippians 2:14 NASB).

Case in point:  This morning I was on my way to work and as I rounded a corner in a particularly wooded part of my commute I noticed a bright orange sign affixed to a tree.  It said “Logging Operation in Progress: Trucks Entering Highway”.  My immediate response on seeing this was quite sarcastic as I began to imagine the muddy mess on the road and the eyesore in the woods where they would be working.  I’m pretty sure there was a tired sigh or two uttered as well as at least one roll of the eyes.

Almost immediately that still, small voice of the Holy Spirit let me know that I was entering into “grumbling” territory and an attitude of complaining.  I realized that I had just let something fairly inconsequential, something that was a nuisance at worst, cause me to stumble and do what Paul in Philippians 2:14 says not to do.  My problem with Philippians 2:14 is simply that I have a hard time doing what it says.  And I believe that I am not the only one with this problem.

Why is it so important that we not grumble and complain?  And could there be an easy solution to this problem?

1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 seems to answer both questions.  16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB)  When we grumble and complain we are essentially voicing the fact that we are not thankful.  Something or someone has inconvenienced us and instead of giving thanks and praise to God for the opportunity to learn and to be a blessing we instead sigh and moan and set about cultivating a bad attitude in ourselves and in those around us.  Complaining is contagious and a bad attitude, like the flu, tries very hard to infect everyone it comes into contact with.  I’m grateful that there was no one else in the car with me this morning because of my reaction.  I would not have been a blessing to them or edified them in any way during that time.

An attitude of complaint comes from a mind and spirit that has been darkened with the cares of this world.  Once we take our focus off of what Jesus has done for us and is doing in us we are easily lead astray.  We, like Peter when he got out of the boat and began to walk on the water, start to notice the “wind and the waves” that surround us instead of the Savior who is in front of us with His hands outstretched.  Why we feel compelled to react negatively to circumstances that are beyond our control instead of thanking and praising the one who is our redeemer and sustainer is a mystery to me.

Happily, the more we put into practice 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 the more we protect ourselves against this type of slip into negativity.  We rejoice because we know that God is working in all circumstances, even the irritating and contrary ones, to bring about good for us.  We pray without ceasing because constant communion with the Holy Spirit is our source of supernatural power.  And we give thanks in everything because we have so much to be thankful for.

I confess, I am going to need to keep working at rejoicing always, praying without ceasing and giving thanks in everything.  But I am so grateful that God is patient with me and extends His grace to my imperfection.  Thank you, Lord, for being so good to me!

What about you?  How are you doing with Philippians 2:14?