Do You Speak the Language of God?

god's love,regeneration.salvationI’ll never forget what the man said that day.  It was an introduction to a church service quite unlike anything that I had ever heard before.  This man told a story about a funeral he had recently attended that held very special meaning for him.  This is what he said:

The deceased had been deaf and mute his entire life.  Despite this particular challenge he had lived a full life that was full of love with a wife and two daughters. During the funeral one of this man’s daughters got up to speak.  She said that she was several years old before she began to learn sign language and could begin to effectively communicate with her father.  She knew she was loved from the time that she was a baby because of the way he treated her but she never heard him say a single word in his entire life.  His type of speaking was completely different.

Imagine this man, this father, going three, four or even five years into the lives of his daughters before he could tell them how much he loved them.  Imagine all of the things that he wanted to teach them and to show them but was unable to because they could not understand his language.  But oh, what joy when the language barrier was finally broken and the children began to understand what their father had been trying to tell them all along.  “I love you, you belong in my family.  You belong to me”

We have a Heavenly Father who desperately wants to communicate to us how much he loves us.  He created us.  He knows us intimately and we are His children.  But so many of us don’t speak his language.

The natural man cannot understand the holy, perfect language of God.  (1 Corinthians 2:14)  Without the regenerating power of the blood of Jesus Christ we are lost and without hope and are unable to see or understand all that God has prepared for us.  When we accept the sacrifice of Jesus and admit and repent of our sinful state then the Spirit of God can begin the process of teaching us to understand that which is holy and perfect.

The more we seek that which is of the Spirit the more we will begin to understand His character and His great love and great grace as He draws near to us. (James 4:8)  Learning to understand the language of God happens when we get to know Him as our creator, deliverer, savior and friend.  I hope that you are learning the language of God even now so that you can hear him say, “I love you, you are my child and you are my treasure”.

I would love to hear how God has been speaking to you lately and telling you that He loves you!


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